I hope everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas with family and friends and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Tulips #8 (Val)
This month's block is for Lucretia Mott. She had quite a career in Equal Rights, starting as a school teacher she soon realized that women were paid half the amount as men for the same job (imagine that!). After marriage she became a Quaker minister and used her public speaking opportunities to deliver speeches on anti-slavery. With Elizabeth Stanton (block #6) she fought for Women's Rights by convening the Seneca Falls Convention. Finally she served as president of the American Equal Rights convention which believed the right to vote should be extended to all people at the same time. Sadly she never was able to cast a vote on her own, but thanks to her we can!!
I found this block challenging as far as fitting the pieces together for the tulips....but using a teflon sheet to iron all the flower segments together before attaching to background made it easier.
I hope everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas with family and friends and Best Wishes for the New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas with family and friends and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Love Apple #6 and Log Cabin #7 (Lynn)
I enjoyed assembling these blocks and can begin to see where fabrics are repeating from previous blocks to tie this "quilt to be" together.
Looking forward to finding the perfect fabrics for the setting blocks. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Log Cabin #7 (Val)
I enjoyed making this block in honor of Sojourner Truth.
I've included our Christmas cactus which obviously has decided to bloom for Thanksgiving this year. I'm thankful for our friendship and hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Love Apple #6 (Val)
Here's my version of the Love Apple which I finally machine appliqued after our meeting!! It was such a fun afternoon sharing our journey together as we celebrate the leaders of the Suffrage movement.
Block #7: Log Cabin & Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth was born Isabella Baumfree in 1797. By 18 she had been sold twice and married to a fellow slave, Thomas. Sojourner escaped with her infant daughter Sofia, became a famous preacher, and advocated for women's rights and against slavery. Ms. Truth continued traveling and speaking until her death in 1883.
This is block #2 for me =- the first was done in blue/pink/brown, was lovely, but also seemed to be too big a splotch of bright color for my quilt --another fun block to make...
This is block #2 for me =- the first was done in blue/pink/brown, was lovely, but also seemed to be too big a splotch of bright color for my quilt --another fun block to make...
Friday, October 25, 2013
Influential Delmarva Quilters Meet
The Delmarva Quilters (Lynn, Val, Peggy, Judy, Joan) met for the first time at Val's home to share blocks, other civil war/reproduction and quilting projects, and a wonderful lunch in Val's greenhouse/patio. The four hours flew by and were so inspirational. It was a joy to see the different color pallettes and methods. Our work to date.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Block #6: Love Apple - Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Joan)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a significant part of the suffrage movement who often operated behind the scenes. In 1848 she organized the Seneca Falls Convention the first formal event calling for women's rights and went on to work closely with Susan B. Anthony until they disagreed over the importaqnce of suffrage. Susan wanted to focus on the right to vote; Elizabeth on discriminatory property and divorce issues. As with the other women commemorated in the quilt, with the exception of Jane Addams, she passed on before women gained the right to vote.
This is the last set of colors to be added to my quilt - purple...now the goal is to tie the colors in the blocks together....
This is the last set of colors to be added to my quilt - purple...now the goal is to tie the colors in the blocks together....
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Block #5 Jane Addams
I've added some of my border fabric to this block and a little blue as well. Used my Creative Grids Simple 7/8" ruler which made it so easy to get this block the right size.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Centennial Lily (Block #2) 2.0 - Joan
My replacement block - needed to fix the position of the stems -- added fabrics outside "The Party of 12" collection I began with and also some simple decorative stitching...onward
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Block #5: Four X Block & Jane Addams (Joan)
Jane Addams: Created Hull House in Chicago in 1893 to serve the poor...Lobbied for child labor restrictions and against entering WW I...Awarded Nobel Peace Proze in 1931.
P.S. Block went together smoothly...now have added some cheddar....
Block #4: Whig Rose Block & Julia Ward Howe (Joan)
Challenging but fun block...pink flower is eight separate petals...may be easier to create a solid template....
i continue to add more colors....
Block #2: Centennial Lady -- Judy's First Block
Judy will be working in patriotic red, blue, cream, with some forest greens added for stems and leaves...likes to needleturn....working on applique blocks first....
Monday, August 19, 2013
Block #4 Julia Ward Howe WHIG ROSE
Block 4 in honor of Julia Ward Howe, not only remembered as a women's activist but best known for writing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic". We can also thank her for creating Mother's Day!!
Enjoyed doing the applique for this block.
I used all buttonhole stitch except straight stitch on the stem. I'm not sure about the light center but have some buttons to add after the quilt is finished.
Enjoyed doing the applique for this block.
I used all buttonhole stitch except straight stitch on the stem. I'm not sure about the light center but have some buttons to add after the quilt is finished.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Four X for September
Here I am again. Not so sure what September will bring and I do want to complete blocks in a timely manner... Truth is that I got the squares cut using Val's 7/8" ruler last weekend when I had the opportunity. No "Three Bears" experience this time - the block wasn't too big or too small, just right. The block measured exactly 12 1/2 " without any trimming... Enjoy putting this one together with that scant 1/4" seaming.
My Whig Rose
Since this was my second attempt at machine applique, I wasn't quite as nervous about the process, and enjoyed seeing the flower come together. Steam-A-Seam certainly makes the job easier! It's great to see all of your different fabric combinations - great! I enjoy watching the blog for the other quilt squares... especially since I can get in all by myself now:) Looking forward to a fall get together:)
Block 4
I hand appliqued this block using the freezer paper method. Anxiously waiting for more posts from other members of the group. Let's start thinking about getting together this Fall. Val, does your offer still stand?
Friday, August 9, 2013
I'm IN on my own:)
I would like to thank all of those many out there that have worked to enable me to post under my own name. Joan for your persistence, Val for for never-ending belief that I could get in, and of course account recovery! Yeah! Next block will be posted under MY name!
Millie and Mary
I've snuck in through Val's post... Where there is a will there is a way! Although she did supervise the creation of this block, Miss Millie is trying to point out flaws! Thanks goodness for the Wing Clipper! This block was great fun to do... Love seeing all of the new blocks :) Lynn
Monday, July 15, 2013
Block #3 Framed Variable Star
Thanks to Mary Church Terrell for fighting for our women's rights!!
I also used the Wing Clipper ruler to make this block in another pink and brown combination.
Stay cool my friends....
I also used the Wing Clipper ruler to make this block in another pink and brown combination.
Stay cool my friends....
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Missouri Puzzle & Centennial Bloomer - Lynn
Here are Lynn's first two blocks...for the Missouri Puzzle Lynn made for fun Three Bears" -- each one a different size...the one using Val's 7/8" ruler came to size (12-1/2") --
we all struggled with that..the second was her first attempt at machine applique...Centennial Bloomer...both are beautiful....amazing to see the different colors...would like to see all blocks in person in the fall and also get advice on framing....
we all struggled with that..the second was her first attempt at machine applique...Centennial Bloomer...both are beautiful....amazing to see the different colors...would like to see all blocks in person in the fall and also get advice on framing....
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Block # 1,2, and 3
These are the first 3 blocks for my quilt. I used the wing clipper ruler for the second block an hand appliqued the second block. I have not yet picked out the framing star fabrics and hope to shop for those fabrics soon. I really love everyone's blocks. These quilts are going to be beautiful when completed. I would like to meet again in the Fall if we can to see the blocks in person. Anyone else wanting to meet?
Block # 2 Centennial Lily
Here's my block in honor of Amelia Jenks Bloomer.
I used the buttonhole stitch around the flowers, feather stitch on the leaves and straight stitch on the stems. The stems were made using the fusible bias tape maker. A tool that I've had for quite some time and decided it was time to take it out of the package. I will definitely be using it again.
I used the buttonhole stitch around the flowers, feather stitch on the leaves and straight stitch on the stems. The stems were made using the fusible bias tape maker. A tool that I've had for quite some time and decided it was time to take it out of the package. I will definitely be using it again.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Block #3: Framed Variable Star
Dedicated to Mary Church Terrell -- Graduated in 1860's from Oberlin College as one of the first African American women to earn a college degree -- moved to Washington, DC in 1891 following marriage -- joined African American women contingent in 1913 suffrage march in which African Americans were made to march at the back of the parade -- later championed racial equality and successfully sued City to be able to dine & shop throughout DC.
"Party of 12" fabrics except for backgrounds --- used Wing Clipper tool and scant 1/4 seam -- like the soft look --
"Party of 12" fabrics except for backgrounds --- used Wing Clipper tool and scant 1/4 seam -- like the soft look --
Block #2: Centennial Bloomer
Dedicated to Amelia Jenks Bloomer - - member of the temperance and suffrage movements -- favored loose blouses, short skirts and knee-length trousers - with the trousers later taking on her name as "bloomers" -- in 1855 became president of the Iowa Suffrage Society.
Brighter "Party of 12" fabrics with an Album Quilt look -- raw edge fused & machine appliqued with blanket stitch -- made template for stems by placing tracing paper over the flowers arranged on the background and drawing stems free hand...working with this set of fabrics is teaching me how to work with so many colors in one quilt...
Brighter "Party of 12" fabrics with an Album Quilt look -- raw edge fused & machine appliqued with blanket stitch -- made template for stems by placing tracing paper over the flowers arranged on the background and drawing stems free hand...working with this set of fabrics is teaching me how to work with so many colors in one quilt...
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Here's block #1 with the framing star. Thanks for your help ladies in choosing the blue, should look great with my border fabric.
Now on to the applique block #2 (by machine)
Enjoy your day,
Here's block #1 with the framing star. Thanks for your help ladies in choosing the blue, should look great with my border fabric.
Now on to the applique block #2 (by machine)
Enjoy your day,
Monday, May 27, 2013
Block #1: Missouri Puzzle
Well FINALLY here's my first block and although I found it rather challenging with the 7/8" measurements I'm happy with the outcome. I used the Simple 7/8" Ruler from Creative Grids and my needle position moved once to the right on my Bernina 153.
Hope you enjoy the picture taken outside by our pond.
Next post, Block #1 with the Framing Star!
Happy Memorial Day,
Hope you enjoy the picture taken outside by our pond.
Next post, Block #1 with the Framing Star!
Happy Memorial Day,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Block #1: Missouri Puzzle
Dedicated to Lucy Stone - - the lst woman in Massachusettts to earn a college degree and founder in 1870 of the Woman's Journal, the official publication of the American Woman Suffrage Association for nearly 50 years.
Here is my replacement block...slight tuning...but like it so much more...I had to set needle position 2 "pts" to right on my Bernina 440 to get 12-1/2 inch block...the center is a Paula Barnes fabric and the neutral in the bar blocks is a stash fabric - the remaining are "Party of 12"` fabrics....
Here is my replacement block...slight tuning...but like it so much more...I had to set needle position 2 "pts" to right on my Bernina 440 to get 12-1/2 inch block...the center is a Paula Barnes fabric and the neutral in the bar blocks is a stash fabric - the remaining are "Party of 12"` fabrics....
Quilt Initiation
The MD members of the Delmarva Women of Influence met in April at Nando's to start the quilt...had enjoyable conversation and of course food...Peggy had completed 2 blocks and started a 3rd...Val had completed her lst...Joan had a prototype 1st (kind way of saying it needed an update)...Judy kept pulling potential fabrics out of her sack, and Lou Jean was happy to have found us...Agreed to make monthly postings on 15th of the month starting in May...so looking forward to seeing all`the blocks and color palettes....hope Delva members can join us for next get-together and on blog......
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I am finally posting a picture of my fabrics to share with all of you. They will be mostly pinks and browns, the border is from an old Sturbridge Village Collection by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Brothers. I have been collecting these fabrics FOR YEARS, so I'm not even sure where most of them are, but I'm determined to have fun using my stash for this quilt.
Thanks to Joan for starting this wonderful blog so we can share our journey together celebrating these "Women of Influence".
Thanks to Joan for starting this wonderful blog so we can share our journey together celebrating these "Women of Influence".
Friday, April 5, 2013
Hello to all!
From what Val tells me, I am the Del of the Delmarva quilters... took a little work to get here, but I'm ready to go! I think that I need to do some catching up, but Val is here to guide me... I will be using fabrics from various American Valor fabric collectiosn accumulated during the 9th Eastern PA Shop Hop, but never used... I guess they were waiting for the perfect quilt pattern.
Lynn :)
Looking forward to meeting you. Perfect fabrics. Joan
From what Val tells me, I am the Del of the Delmarva quilters... took a little work to get here, but I'm ready to go! I think that I need to do some catching up, but Val is here to guide me... I will be using fabrics from various American Valor fabric collectiosn accumulated during the 9th Eastern PA Shop Hop, but never used... I guess they were waiting for the perfect quilt pattern.
Lynn :)
Looking forward to meeting you. Perfect fabrics. Joan
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
All: Barbara Brackman has an incredible suffrage quilt block of the week taking place on her grandmotherschoice.blogspot.com... 49 blocks...site is is packed with tons of info, photos, postcards, etc. regarding suffrage movement...hope you check it out...i have a framed crazy quilt piece of parts of banners from the 1913 Omaha, Nebraska Suffrage Convention that I treasure...purchased at Savage Mill. Maryland many years ago....
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Happy to join in on this project
Thanks Joan for creating this blog. I am looking forward to this project. I will be using the Civil War Homefront collection (fat quarters that I bought over a year ago!) for my Influence quilt. I am ok with beginning with block one. Let me know if everyone wishes to meet in a local restaurant. My schedule is flexible for evenings or weekends. Thanks again for setting this up for all to share.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Welcome to the 2013 "Women of Influence Block-of-the-Month Quilt" event. This journey will be taken by seven Delmarva quilters and result in a lovely quilt celebrating twelve women who led the Suffrage Movement. The project will especially commemorate the 100th anniversary of The Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913 held on March 3 on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC . We are looking forward to sharing ideas, color choices, plans, challenges, and blocks and hearing others' comments and feedback.
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