Thursday, May 30, 2013



Here's block #1 with the framing star.   Thanks for your help ladies in choosing the blue, should look great with my border fabric.

Now on to the applique block #2 (by machine)

Enjoy your day,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Block #1: Missouri Puzzle

Well FINALLY here's my first block and although I found it rather challenging with the 7/8" measurements I'm happy with the outcome.  I used the Simple 7/8" Ruler from Creative Grids and my needle position moved once to the right on my Bernina 153.

Hope you enjoy the picture taken outside by our pond.

Next post, Block #1 with the Framing Star!

Happy Memorial Day,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Block #1: Missouri Puzzle

Dedicated to Lucy Stone - - the lst woman in Massachusettts to earn a college degree and  founder in 1870 of the Woman's Journal, the official publication of the American Woman Suffrage Association for nearly 50 years.

Here is my replacement block...slight tuning...but like it so much more...I had to set needle position 2 "pts" to right on my Bernina 440 to get 12-1/2 inch block...the center is a Paula Barnes fabric and the neutral in the bar blocks is a stash fabric - the remaining are "Party of 12"` fabrics....

Quilt Initiation

The MD members of the Delmarva Women of Influence met in April at Nando's to start the quilt...had enjoyable conversation and of course food...Peggy had completed 2 blocks and started a 3rd...Val had completed her lst...Joan had a prototype 1st (kind way of saying it needed an update)...Judy kept pulling potential fabrics out of her sack, and Lou Jean was happy to have found us...Agreed to make monthly postings on 15th of the month starting in looking forward to seeing all`the blocks and color palettes....hope Delva members can join us for next get-together and on blog......